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About Michael and Sonia Sanchez

Michael and Sonia Sanchez have been actively leading ministry to the Hispanic-Latin people in South Dakota since 2012. Their ministry has included services for Spanish speaking people through several churches in South Dakota which include Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Sisseton, and Brookings.

The Sanchez’ are dynamic and respected ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in South Dakota and the surrounding states.  They have gained the trust and cooperation of church leaders throughout the region.


Michael is a credentialed minister/Evangelist with the South Dakota Assemblies of God.  The Sanchez’s goal is for Hispanic-Latin people to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ and to become born again. They do everything they can to help the many churches in the region receive and minister to Hispanics. They encourage their Hispanic brothers and sisters to attend the regular services of the church.

They feel it is vitally important for everyone to hear the truth about salvation through Jesus Christ.  Michael and Sonia’s ministry is available to anyone interested in reaching Spanish speaking people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and planting Hispaic churches under the local church leadership.

Acerca de Michael y Sonia Sanchez

Michael y Sonia Sánchez han estado liderando activamente el ministerio para los hispano-latinos en Dakota del Sur desde 2012. Su ministerio ha incluido servicios para personas de habla hispana a través de varias iglesias en Dakota del Sur que incluyen Clark, Watertown, Milbank, Sisseton y Brookings.

Los Sánchez son ministros dinámicos y respetados del Evangelio de Jesucristo en Dakota del Sur y los estados circundantes. Se han ganado la confianza y la cooperación de los líderes de la iglesia en toda la región.

Michael es un ministro/ evangelista acreditado con las Asambleas de Dios de Dakota del Sur. El objetivo de Sánchez es que los hispano-latinos entreguen sus vidas a Jesucristo y nazcan de nuevo. Hacen todo lo posible para ayudar a las muchas iglesias de la región a recibir y ministrar a los hispanos. Alientan a sus hermanos y hermanas hispanos a asistir a los servicios regulares de la iglesia.

Sienten que es de vital importancia que todos escuchen la verdad acerca de la salvación a través de Jesucristo. El ministerio de Michael y Sonia está disponible para cualquier persona interesada en llegar a las personas de habla hispana con el Evangelio de Jesucristo y plantar iglesias hispáticas bajo el liderazgo de la iglesia local.


Outreach through Martial Arts


Martial Arts Reaching for Jesus Christ is a ministry founded by martial arts instructor and level seven black belt Master Michael Sanchez.  Sanchez, with the help of other Christian martial arts instructors use their gifts in martial arts as a tool to help reach people for Jesus Christ. 


This outreach merges teaching and demonstrations of self defense with sharing real life testimonies of salvation and restoration in Jesus Christ. 


The purpose of this ministry outreach, say's Sanchez, "Is to not only teach people about self-defense, but to also bring spiritual healing and restoration to men, women, and children through sharing to gospel of Jesus Christ which leads to life-changing opportunities."

Master Sanchez says, "If you believe it, the Lord can help you do it, to be the best of you, overcome any obstacles, and reach your dreams."

If you are interested in hosting a self-defense outreach seminar, please contact Michael Sanchez for more information. See "Contact" page for contact information. 

A Note to Pastors

Dear Pastor,


Greetings in Christ Jesus!  My wife Sonia and I are the Spanish Ministries Director for the South Dakota District of the Assemblies of God.  Being an evangelist at heart, I am very excited that the Hispanic population in our state is growing!  These are people who are ripe for the message of the gospel of Jesus! 

God has called Sonia and I to come alongside the local church and help them establish a Hispanic ministry in their congregation.  We seek to do this through evangelistic outreach and discipleship.  Our goal is to build a group that is attached to and participates with the local church in their Sunday service.  

Over the past 7 years we have seen fruit for the Kingdom of God as Hispanic ministries have been planted in Clark, Milbank, Watertown, Sisseton and we are presently working with Brookings Assembly of God.

I am also the founder and director of “Sanchez Martial Arts” and “Martial Arts Reaching for Jesus Christ.”  When I submitted my life to Jesus Christ God began to use my talent in Martial Arts as a wonderful outreach tool.  Through martial arts training seminars I have been able to share the gospel message with many young people and Native Americans.  You can check out my website at:

I would love to have the opportunity to share with you in greater detail what our ministry is all about and how we go about helping to establish a Hispanic ministry in the local church.   Please feel free to give me a call at: 605-530-4559.

Sincerely in Christ,

Michael Sanchez


AG Constitution & Bylaws

Click on the PDF Link for a reference letter from District Superintendent Steve Schaible

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